Data Projects

Data analysis and data science projects I’ve worked on for school and for fun.

March 2024

PDF to TXT Converter

Convert pdf files in directory into txt files

Description This project uses the Tesseract OCR and magick packages in R to convert .pdf files to .png files, which are then read by the optical recognition engine and written as .txt files. Installation Use the app by downloading this repository and running it locally on RStudio. Alternatively, you can run this code on your console to download the app and run it. shiny::runGitHub("litProject", "josue-SH", subdir = "litProject") Use Upload a pdf file from your computer onto the shiny app.

1 minute

April 2023

Datafest Umass Amherst 2023 Presentation

Best in Group Winner

<!DOCTYPE html> JSPP Review

1 minute

December 2022

Missingness in Pew Research Center’s Latin American Religion Dataset

Introduction Latin America is a large region with many different faith traditions. Latin American countries were without exception historically tied to Catholicism due to the region’s colonization by the Spanish and other European countries. The Pew Research Survey on Religion in Latin America shows the rapid growth of Protestant populations throughout Latin America. Generational cultural differences are often key to one’s political and social positions. The Survey on Religion in Latin America also showed that in some countries, there are more men than women who say that homosexuality is morally wrong.

8 minutes

December 2019

Air Quality Project

Data Science Project by Josue Sanchez Hernandez and Phebe Palmer

Introduction Exposure to air pollution is the 4th leading cause of premature death around the world. As environmental concerns have become increasingly prevalent in public discourse, we find it crucial that we understand which populations are most prone to being exposed to suboptimal environmental conditions. Understanding the effects and periphery of air pollution can help to inform policy and direct action moving forward. For the sake of our analysis, we decided to focus on LA for the year 2015.

10 minutes